
Dmg что это
Dmg что это

dmg что это
  1. #Dmg что это how to
  2. #Dmg что это mod
  3. #Dmg что это mods

#Dmg что это how to

How to Make a Character, How to Play the Game, and the last is the one not everyone will use of How Spellcasting Works. The PHB is split into 3 parts, in the order players will think about them, not because they've got a table of contents to whisk away any issues with poor organization. We welcome feedback on our rules and are always seeking to improve them for better clarity and creating a friendly, social environment here at /r/DnDMemes.

#Dmg что это mod

All "borderline" mod decisions are the product of informed and objective internal discussion.

#Dmg что это mods

Such decisions can be appealed in mod mail, and the mods will do their best to come to a productive resolution. The rules listed above are not exhaustive and decisions are made on a case-by-case basis. If your post is a retired meme, it will be removed. Some overdone debate topics and types of memes are no longer allowed, please see the Retired Memes list. This includes "What did I miss?" memes or meta hot takes about the meme trend. Beating a Dead Horse: If a meme trend has taken over the subreddit and run its course over the span of 3-4 days, all subsequent related memes will be removed. Bad Quality: If your meme is exceptionally hard to read, cropped poorly or very small/pixelated, it will be removed.

dmg что это

Bad Title: No low-effort titles ("Funny meme", "I thought this belonged here", "I found this on Instagram", etc.) or karma-farming ("It's my cakeday, so please upvote", "Upvote if you agree", etc.). Captions that make your meme D&D-relevant must be added to the image/gif/video itself. Bad Formatting: If the only D&D-relevance is in your post title, your post will be removed. No gore, sexual violence (implied or explicit), porn/hentai or imagery from real-life tragic events. Controversial Content: No sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia or other forms of discrimination in memes. Hot take/opinion/statement memes may be removed, please see this album for guidelines.

dmg что это

If your meme sparks a large amount of rule-breaking comments it may be locked/removed. Pot-Stirring/Hot Takes: If the primary purpose of your meme is to incite off-topic debate, police what other people should/shouldn't do at their table, or push a political agenda, it will be locked or removed. Avoid using character/player names and inside jokes that only your own group would understand. Niche Memes: Memes about your campaign are allowed, but keep terms general so a broad audience can understand without a long explanation. Discussion topics can be proposed in post titles but the post itself must be a meme. Not a Meme: Some types of posts are not considered "memes", such as: character art, photos of your books/dice/pets, or unedited screenshots of online dice rolls, D&D articles, or statblocks. Non-relevant social media screencaps with a captioned tie-in (i.e. Twitter, Tumblr, Discord) are an acceptable medium, the original source must be reasonably related to D&D. While screencaps of social media posts (e.g. Posts with a very loose connection to D&D/TTRPGs (such as generic fantasy memes) will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Off-Topic: Posts must be strongly relevant to D&D (or other TTRPGs) and must include an attempt at humor or entertainment. Do not ask where to find pirated content or "free PDFs". Piracy: Do not post links or subtly hint at websites/apps that host illicit non-SRD D&D content.

dmg что это

Mechanic/RPG review videos are not considered memes. Video Posting: Youtube and Tiktok posts must be no longer than 3 minutes and have a strong relevance to D&D humor. Do not link directly from other subreddits or websites like Twitter. Imgur, ImgFlip and other image hosting websites are acceptable. Image Posting: Upload memes directly using the Reddit uploader when possible. Extremely overdone jokes on heavily used meme templates may be considered reposts even if you did the editing yourself. Reposts: Original memes are strongly encouraged and if your post is proven to be a repost, it will be removed, regardless of popularity. Social media handles or website watermarks on original memes/comics/tweets are acceptable. No links to stores, Kickstarters, Patreons or comments asking for money/followers. Advertising: Memes posted for the primary reason of self-promotion are not allowed. Overly off-topic, political or hateful debates will be removed and bans may be issued. Be Excellent to One Another: No trolling, harassment, personal attacks, sea-lioning, hate speech, slurs or name-calling.

Dmg что это